Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Security vs. Insecurity

By: Brystol Reckner

There are two types of responses to insecurity! Those that can’t take praise, though they crave it more than anything. They won’t stop putting themselves down and saying they are not worthy of praise, but at the same time hoping others would disagree with them!

On the other side there are those that can’t stop praising themselves long enough to allow another to do it for them! They deeply desire the praise that they themselves prevent by their own pride!

Insecurity is often caused by the lack of expectance and praise from as little as one person in their life and often a person from early on in their life! They strive to please that person so hard and in their own eyes fail!

What is the solution to this problem, how does an insecure person overcome their insecurity? This is a lot easier said than done and is truly a work of God in their life. We so often know the truth that will set us free from the bondage that we fall into, yet we choose to remain a prisoner to it because we cannot see it, or if we see it we can’t admit to ourselves or others that it is there! Even if we get as far as seeing and admitting it we often continue to try in vain to work out our own righteousness and problems for ourselves, instead of allowing it to be God’s holy and glorious work in us!

“Insecurity in expecting from people what only God can provide.”

After recognizing and admitting to ourselves, God and others. We must then transfer our expectations that we have laid upon those that have fail us and transfer it to the one that cannot fail! This I find cannot be done in our own strength, but only after we identify what the core root of the insecurity is, and then yield our rights to having those expectation fulfilled by others. Learning to trust in our Savior who is the only one who can truly love, embrace and except us unconditionally, just as we are! Become content with His over powering love will our hearts find true freedom from the insecurity that imprisons our lives! Once our eyes are truly off those that we feel we can never please and we are able to except God’s love for us, then and only then, can we find true freedom!

Why is this important? I’m sure there are numerous answers to this question, but one I have found most recently is that insecurity will hinder or prevent forward motion and growth in our life! Think of it, if I ask you to stand on top of a horse, if you accomplish this feet it will require great trust and balance on your part. Why because of the insecurity of this position, though in a short amount of time I can get most students to perform with little training or time invested! What good has this accomplished by having done this? So they are standing there on top the horse by them self, but if the horse shifts its weight or begins moving forward the child will quickly and almost involuntarily return to their original seated positions! So we’ve gain little, due to the lack of security of this position. Though it is possible and you may even have seen riders running around an area at break neck speed standing on top of their horses. Why is this? Because they have learned the lessons in order to master the balance and security that it requires at this speed!

So why have a gone through the effort of pointing this out? Because I believe it can be used as an illustration of our lack of ability to move forward and accomplish anything in our life if we are insecure! Insecurity must first be overcome, before we can lead out and accomplish the goals and tasks the Lord has in store for us! This is not accomplished without risk and pains when we lose are balance. But that is okay without risk there is no growth! Trusting God makes the difference between insecurity, in making a difficult decision and maturity of knowing your secure enough to make the hard call. The harder we lean on God, the more stable we will become! Only a secure leader can be a servant leader.

Where are you going? Are you secure? Are you a servant leader? If not, why not?

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